bari ruck

Yoga Massage Jin Shin Jyutsu
Tarrytown, NY
RYT, LMT MA55190

bari ruck
​Registered Yoga Teacher. Licensed Massage Therapist. Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner.
"When we begin to live in the body again, we discover that we have an internal environment that is as rich as that of any country and in a constant state of flux and change."
Donna Farhi, Bringing Yoga to Life
I have been in the world of Yoga Teaching, Massage Therapy, and Energy Work for about 10 years. I have worked with people going though cancer and chronic illness, caregivers, community colleges, at a local JCC and privately. I had practiced Yoga and Meditation personally off and on over the years before being trained as a teacher. It was and still is tremendously helpful for me in facing my own issues of anxiety and fear.
It is my belief that anyone who wants to do Yoga can do it. It is a very personal and adaptable practice. My teaching style is designed to empower people to connect with, find ease and love in their own bodies. It is an eclectic practice because I include teachings from various forms that I have studied over the years. It is my great joy to share what I continue to learn with anyone who is willing to show up and give it a try.
I have brought massage to a range of people as well. I can create a massage program based on an individual’s physical concerns, lifestyle, and preferences. Some of the modalities that I offer are Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release, Table Thai Massage (passive stretching with massage) as well as a form of energy work called Jin Shin Jyutsu.
All sessions, whether private yoga or massage will be done with great consideration and mindfulness around contagious illness prevention. Safe practices will be in place so that you can have as soothing and peaceful experience as possible.
Please contact me at bariruck@gmail.com or at 914-391-4897 for a free consultation or to schedule an appointment.

Massage Training:
Myofascial Release, Swedish Relaxation Massage, Thai Yoga Massage, Oncology Massage
Yoga Training:
200 Hour Prana Vinyasa Yoga for Special Populations, Yoga for Cancer and Chronic Illness, Yoga for Medical Professionals
Energy Work:
Jin Shin Jyustu Certified
Current Training - Meridian Massage
Related Work Experience:
Jai Dee Yoga and Wellness Studio
Moffit Cancer Center
Hillsborough Community College
Various Corporate Gym Settings
Private Sessions with individuals, couples and small groups
Shames Jcc on the Hudson
Yoga Shivaya, Tarrytown
The Castle Hotel and Spa - Massage Therapist
Wholeness Center, Valley Cottage NY, Massage Therapist
Types of Yoga Classes offered:
Beginner Yoga
Chair Yoga
Yoga for People Going Through Cancer and Chronic Illness
Flow Yoga
Gentle Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Personalized classes
Workshops and Seminar titles offered:
Introduction to Yoga for Cancer and Chronic Illness (1/2 day, one, two or three day workshop for teachers to learn to work with this population lovingly and impactfully)
Teaching Yoga to Beginners - Workshop for Yoga Teacher Training
How to teach Chair Yoga - Workshop for Yoga Teacher Training
Jin Shin Jyutsu - Self Help Class sessions for Individuals and Small groups.
Introduction to Slowing Down - Combination of Yoga,Meditation and Energy Work Techniques - This class is excellent for yoga studios, teacher trainings, Corporate trainings. It can be modified to work in any setting, for any populations and time frame.
Please contact me for more details on any of the classes or workshops.